I’m back!!!

That is very long did not update my blog due to my tight schedules on my holidays (with my wife at Malaysia and Seoul), research, and paper writing (the most headache).

Time passes very fast and it was already 1 year and 3 weeks staying in South Korea for my study. Now, I’m in my 2nd year Master’s degree course and the feeling is totally different as compared to my 1st year course.


TC Tham said…
Haha. No more easy passes? hehe.. No matter how rush or packed schedule, remember to rest and take care of health o? awaiting your return in 325 days as master graduate. XD
Steven said…
i can foresee your future~~
i see it!!! Andy getting more headache!! XD
no pain no gain ma =P
seriously get more rest and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and ur family ^_^
Steven said…
i can foresee the future!!
i see it!!! Andy having more headache!!! XD
no pain no gain ma =P
but like Tham said, remember to get some rest also~~
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and ur family =)

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